Συρία 7 1 2019 Ρωσσικοί βομβαρδισμοί των Ισλαμιστών στο Ιντλίμπ

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – JAN. 7, 2019: RUSSIAN WARPLANES STRIKE TERRORISTS IN IDLIB DE-ESCALATION ZONE Starting from January 4th, the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a series of airstrikes on terrorists’ positions in the Idlib de-escalation zone. The airstrikes targeted Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) forces in the towns of Darat Izza, Kafrnaha, Jamiat al-Rahal, Urum al-Kubra and the 111th Regiment base in the western Aleppo countryside. HTS’ news network Iba’a said that the group responded by shelling positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the district of al-Rashidin in the outskirt of the city of Aleppo, claiming that 7 service members were killed, but pro-government sources doubted the claim. On January 4th, a group of Turkish-backed militants defected and handed over their positions in the district of Jamiat al-Arman west of the city of Aleppo to HTS.
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