“To the Eagles of the Czar“ (WW1 Russian Fallen Heroes Song) — English subs and translation

Russian Republic, 1917 Donate & Support: A poem by the great Russian monarchist poet Sergej Bekhtejev written in 1917 and performed by the “Gromoglas“ studip. It is addressed to the military heroes of the past Russia - in particular, to those who died in the Great War. The poet thanks the “Eagles of the Czar“ for their great feat, and expresses sincere joy that they did not find the shame and betrayal that fell on the shoulders of the Russian army in 1917. Bekhtejev is happy that these people died, having fulfilled their duty, and did not stain their honour before the Fatherland - thereby, in some way leaving a chance for redemption for the new Russia. The author draws a line between the heroic Russian army of the past and the army that betrayed its Сzar in times of turmoil. The poem is characterized by a contrast typical for Bekhtejev’s poetry between the bitter, crushed experience of the lost empire and the hope of its revival and return in all its former splen
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