Ecosystem services : Biodiversity and nature provide countless benefits for humans

Urbanization and intensive farming tap and fragment the natural environment Animal and vegetable species are hemmed in and fragilised Their survival depends on a continuous network of corridors and reserves of biodiversity : - green grid - blue grid - brown grid - black grid These grids also offer considerable benefits to humans “In an agricultural surrounding, hedges provide many ecosystem services (mettre à la ligne avant hedges)“ They limit the erosion of the soil. They protect cultures from the wind. They host a fauna useful to agriculturers. They reduce the spread of pesticides. They provide local firewood A natural stream, connected with areas devoted to overflows, reduces the risk of floods. Its meanders and trees on its banks improve the water’s quality It offers a natural area favorable to recreation education, observation, relaxation. Wetlands also are highly useful. They absorb an excess of water in case of flood, make up reserves of water in times of drought, purify water thanks to their plants.
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