“Are You Out Of Your God Damn Minds?“ | James Whale vs Israeli-American Activist Miko Peled

“Are you out of your God damn minds? You want to condemn the Palestinians? Damn you and shame on you both.“ James Whale clashes with Israeli-American activist Miko Peled. During the debate, Miko Peled made it clear that they believed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wanted to continue a “brutal massacre“ of Palestinians. He criticized Netanyahu for rejecting a proposal put forth by Palestinians in Gaza, which they described as “measured, balanced, and reasonable.“ The proposal called for surrender and allowing Hamas to continue their activities. This all comes as Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron, has said he is “deeply concerned” about a planned Israeli ground invasion of the southern Gaza city of Rafah. Rafah, on the southern border with Egypt, is one of the only regions not yet targeted by an Israeli ground offensive and is providing refuge to more than half of Gaza’s 2.3 million population. It is the last remaining stronghold for
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