The First Shall Be Last

Jesus came to earth from heaven to save men from Gods anger and punishment but also to reveal the heart and character of God. As a consequence he was daily at loggerheads with the high priests and authorities. His thoughts and actions were completely different from anyone else they had seen and often he left them feeling challenged and convicted of the lives they were living. Jesus spoke on many subjects including money, sex and power, the topics that drive our fleshly pursuits. Of course, he also spoke about spiritual pursuits, the things that last as they change the character of a person and it’s our character we take into the next life. He did make a curious statement when he talked about rewards saying that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. Is this fair? In Matt20vs1-16 Jesus tells the disciples a parable about a landowner who needed help in his vineyard. He usually told stories which were relevant to his audience so that they could easily relate and understand its
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