Dulcinea has a foal! Birth of new foal, Friday May 14th 2021

*** STOP ASKING WHY I DIDN’T HELP HER!!!*** It is not necessary to help an animal UNLESS there is a complication. When people disrupt the natural process by pulling, they can cause severe injury to the mare and foal, even death! ** If you don’t have enough horse experience to see that this was a textbook perfect delivery, then YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED to criticize anyone for not interfering. * Seriously guys, I am tired of replying... I’m going to turn off the comments if you can’t use some good sense. See her baby here: and Subscribe to see more videos as baby Kalimba grows up! here’s more babies - Goat Kids playing at One Week Old! **** Important Note - please read before commenting! **** This was a healthy, normal foaling, and thus needed no intervention. There is no reason to “help“ a mare unless she actually NEEDS it, o
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