Take a trip back in time and let’s learn all about GR (graphics) and HGR (high resolution graphics) in AppleSoft BASIC on a restored Apple II computer! Can we render a fractal tree? Code:
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🍎 The AppleSoft Tutorial: Applesoft
🍎 Basic Programming Reference Manual: II Documentation Project/Software/Languages/Applesoft BASIC/Manuals/Applesoft II BASIC Programming Reference
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Apple II Emulators:
☕ Applesoft BASIC in JavaScript:
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🍎 MicroM8:
0:00 Hello from 1981!
0:16 Coding Together Theme
1:10 Getting started
1:30 Graphics Mode (GR)
1:56 Apple II Screen Capture
2:08 Plotting Points and Lines
3:33 Bouncing Ball
13:01 Adding Sound
14:39 High Resolution Graphics (HGR)
17:43 Fractal Tree
18:10 Trigonometry Explanation
20:05 Coding the Tree
23:12 Explaining Recursion
33:00 Adding User Input
34:52 Share your version!
Editing by Mathieu Blanchette
Animations by Jason Heglund
Coding Together Theme by Will from America ()
Eye of the Tiger cover by Leon from @neoexplains
Additional music from from Epidemic Sound
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#fractal #1980s #appleii #bouncingball #basic
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