
绝大多数人知道攀枝花,是因为它是四川的一个城市。其实,它还是一种好看的植物。常见的攀枝花是红色的,少数是淡红色,前两年第一次见到黄色的攀枝花。这次一起摘了不同颜色的花,做上一桌攀枝花的美味。 我们当地会做各种各样的“帽子”,这次特意制作了猪肉酱帽子,每次煮面煮米线时放上一勺,别提有多开心了。 家里把猪圈和牛圈拆了重新改造一下,之后也会在每期视频里有一些改造的进度,希望最后出来的样子,你们也喜欢! ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. For most people, bombax flower is the name of a city in Sichuan province. However, it is also a plant with pretty flowers. The majority bombax flowers are red, with some light red ones. I also found some yellow flowers two years ago. So I picked bombax flowers of different colors and made some dishes with them. Here in Yunnan, we are good at making various “caps”. I made some pork cap (sauce) this tim
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