Whole World - International Charity Marathon

A large-scale update is coming! Dear Friends, we know that you all are looking forward to the innovations and updates we announced earlier, that will make much more attractive and affordable to everyone interested in it! It was planned that we would be able to launch the updates in June 2022, but in reality everything turned out to be a little bit more complicated... and the technicians had to literally rewrite “from scratch“ many components involved in the rewards calculations and management. Simultaneously, we have assigned the task of updating the website sections, adapting them to mobile devices as far as possible, that makes more than 80% of traffic today. The work is in full swing, and we will be ready to please you with the promised innovations soon! We will try to complete what we started by the end of August and approach the beginning of the autumn-winter business season fully armed! Thank you for patience, you will be fully rewarded for it very soon!
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