Музыкальные мультики на английском языке. Грузовичок Лева и песенки про планеты

Музыкальные мультики для самых маленьких и новые песенки Левы. Смотри, как Грузовичок Лева поет песенки про планеты! The sun is shining brightly From here and from afar Everyone can see it - It’s the biggest star. Planets spin and spin And they go around the sun. People on Earth study All the planets with fun. Mercury is close to the Sun, Its day is year long, By day it’s very hot And like ice on night long. Volcanoes are on Venus All over this place It doesn’t have oceans Or water on its face. People live on Earth, There is water on its ground. The Moon is Earth’s satellite Spin together all around
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