Vision Video - “Death in Hallway“

The sick and dying lining the hallways is will be the lasting image in my head from my experience as a firefighter/paramedic during the Summer and Fall of 2021. I witnessed the total exhaustion and collapse of an already beleaguered health care system. People (even non-Covid related patients) often died in the hallway, waiting for a nurse or physician to see them because, simply put, there weren’t enough healthcare workers to take care of them. So, as a paramedic, I gave life saving drugs and did every intervention I could to keep them alive until they could be seen with more intensive care- and unfortunately people would die, with me as their only witness, in hallways surrounded by other sick, injured and dying strangers. Meanwhile, people like Kelly Loeffler (a Georgia senator) got away with such unbelievable crimes. Loeffler spun the same web in the begging of the pandemic that Trump did - that it wasn’t a big deal, that it was a mere flu, that it would go away. Meanwhile, behind closed door
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