◾Sykes-Picot Agreement, (May 1916), was a secret convention made during World War I between Great Britain and France, with the a

◾Sykes-Picot Agreement, (May 1916), was a secret convention made during World War I between Great Britain and France, with the assent of imperial Russia, for the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. The agreement led to the division of Turkish-held Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine into various French- and British-administered areas. Negotiations were begun in November 1915, and the final agreement took its name from the chief negotiators from Britain and France, Sir Mark Sykes and François Georges-Picot. Sergey Dimitriyevich Sazonov was also present to represent Russia, the third member of the Triple Entente. ◾On the pictures how it look the region before and after being carved up by Western powers. ◾Follow: ◾Dr. Ahmed Moghrabi, Head of Nasser Hospital’s plastic surgery department described the horrifying and desperate conditions in hospitals: - “I want to ask the Biden administration and the leaders of the world: who sends these prohibited weapons to Israel? How many more of us have to die?!“ ◾Follow: Источник: Lord Of War
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