The Russians – An intimate journey through Russia (1/2) | DW Documentary

A very private trip through Russia - a world power with a shrinking population, a myriad of ethnic minorities, and vast distances, a country between tradtion and future. Encounters with Russians from six different generations help us get to know a Russia beyond Moscow and the Kremlin. Away from the 75th Victory Day parade and displays of military might, we meet the people of Russia. They tell us of a nation poised between tradition and the future. Filmmaker Juri Rescheto travelled through the giant country, meeting with ordinary Russians who share their everyday lives with him. They talk about their joys and sorrows, their hopes and needs, and their experiences - good and bad. The film shows intimate scenes from their homes and their workplaces, as well as glimpses of their political views, their standards of living, and their customs. The protagonists’ personal situations are presented in relation to official Russian studies on the particular generation to which they belong. In Part 1 we go
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