My life would suck without you - Horses

- Song: - My life would suck without you - Kelly Clarkson - Program Used: - Windows Movie Maker - Clips from: - Many places, I don’t own anything. -------- ♥ Story: ♥ It’s about a stallion [The black horse] and a mare [The white horse] from two different worlds. She is from the desert and he is from the sea. But they still want to be together. But they get separated from each other and the mare sinks deeper and deeper down into the blue flames. They both have flashbacks and when she calls out for him he goes to find her. First now, when they are separated, they realise how much they want to be together. The stallion keeps searching for her and she are looking for him aswell. She calls out once more and when both of them are about to give up, they find each other.
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