“Rango“. Voice Cast and Animation Featurette.

Interesting featurette where Johnny Depp explains a little on behind the scenes and the making of “Rango“. Gore Verbinski directs Johnny Depp’s first voice character film. As “Rango“ a Chemeleon who is finding it hard to fit in, so he embarks on a jouney to find “himself“ and his “Karma“ (sorry) and eventually winds up in a Lawless Mexican town called “Dirt“. Really strange and cool looking up-coming and new CGI with some very “quirky“ looking characters based on Desert Animals native to Mexico/Central America, with a star studded cast of voice actors. Sure to be a hit among young and old alike and by it’s unique look is is offering something different to the mainsteam, with a lot of Slapstick, dark visual gags and characters, all go to make this a little more unusual from the norm. Can’t wait for this to come out. From the Director of “Pirates of the Carribean“. visit the official website
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