Sekihan 赤飯 作り方レシピ

Ingredents for Sekihan (serves 3) 3 tbsp Azuki Red Beans 500~600ml Water (~ cups) 360ml Mochigome - Sweet Rice ( cups) 360ml Azuki Broth combined with water ( cups) ½ tsp Salt * The ratio between the rice and the azuki broth depends on the type of pot you use. If you use a rice cooker, follow the instructions of the product. <材料> 小豆:大3 水:500〜600ml もち米:2合(360ml) 水:茹で汁と合わせて360ml (使用した鍋は、蓋の隙間から蒸気が逃げやすいので米と同量の水分にしま{
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