Black Souls 2 Florence Fight SL1 Difficulty 9 Eng Revised

Explanation of how in the description. English Guide on how to beat DLC3 bosses via SL1 on difficulty 9 in Black Souls 2. The strategies in these videos does not require Requiem, Pocket Watches or any visits to Chaos Dungeon. Guide was done on the minimum number of loops to access DLC3 content. Setup Explanation You start your first turn with only 3 actions. The first, you have by default, the second comes from your jeckyl and hyde’s shield. And the third comes from weilding Andor’s Sword. Poser’s ring is to get rid of any rng that florence will attack you in the entire two turns of her first phase. Abhorrent cloak pretty much makes you unkillable in the second phase since healing deals damage in the second phase and the boss only attacks using healing damage. Bill is the covenant because he gives you enough mana to do a lot more moves you otherwise would not be able to do. The two celestial rings are for increased attack while almighty ring is for general al
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