Welcome to Gallery. A Window display to showcase talent to the world. Live Music Sessions, recorded in different window displays around the world.
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Artist: ARON
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Concept: White Horse & Folch
Director: Pol González Novell
Camera Operator: Bernat Mestres
Camera Assistant: Pol Renom
Eléctrico: Yago Ruiz
Sound: Angel Sound Studio
Final Master: The Groove Sound
Music Supervisor: Recordplay uk
Production: White Horse (Natalia Triviño, Ferran Bassaganyes, Tamara Raimondi, Carlos Perarnau)
Executive Producers: Albert F
...olch / Rafa Martínez / Pol González Novell
Art Direction: Folch
Project Manager: Genís Pena
Makeup Supervision: Rafit Noy
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