How To Create Camera and Video Recorder App in MIT App Inventor | 9/100

How To Create Camera and Video Recorder App in MIT App Inventor | 9/100 MIT App Inventor is a visual programming tool that allows users to create mobile applications for Android devices without requiring prior programming knowledge. One of the many features of App Inventor is the ability to create a camera and video recorder app. In this article, we will discuss how to create a camera and video recorder app in MIT App Inventor. To start, open the MIT App Inventor and create a new project. Next, drag and drop the following components from the Palette onto the Designer View: a Camera component, a VideoPlayer component, and two Buttons. Label one button “Take Picture“ and the other button “Record Video.“ The next step is to program the app’s behavior. First, we will program the “Take Picture“ button. Click on the “Take Picture“ button and select the “Blocks“ section at the top of the screen. Create a new block by clicking on the “Make a
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