CU. Ice on Willesden power station (title super over). Fireman hose down the cooling towers as the freezing temperatures threaten to bring the power station to a standstill. Camera shooting up at the towers and panning down to general view. CU. Base of tower with firemen, hose being played on base to melt the ice from the cooling towers. CU. Hose pipe spouting water. CU. Base of tower receiving jet of water. SCU. Base of tower receiving jet of water, panning right to show icicles. CU. Icicles hanging down on base structure. CU. Two firemen, one pointing towards tower. SCU. Two firemen, one digging off chunks of ice on beams on base of tower. CU. Large icicles.
GV. Trafalgar Square. SCU. & CU. Fountains spouting water with icicles hanging from mouths of animals on the fountain. GV. Piccadilly Circus. CU. Base of Eros with icicles hanging down. CU. Icicles hanging down - higher up statue. SCU. Base of statue with icicles hanging over it. Panning up to Eros with pigeon walking around on its own ju