Dragon: Dragons Halloween S1 E19 | WikoKiko Kids TV
In this Dragon episode: Dragon sets out to make the scariest pumpkin ever, but all the big ones are gone, so he has to make do with five little ones.. Then, Dragon gets ready to a costume party, and tries to make a very scary costume. But none of the costumes he owns is very scary, so he wears all three at once. The result doesn’t look scary at all. When he gets to the party all his friends recognize him as soon as he walks in the door. But suddenly he gets the host’s great big pumpkin stuck on his tail and now he’ looks really scary! Finally, as Dragon heads home he hears a growly noise... Dragon’s quite frightened, until he realizes it’s his tummy making the racket: he’s just hungry. So Dragon eats and eats until he’s as big and round as a pumpkin
The little dragon Dragon is curious, always on the move and very
helpful. He takes things as they come and every day is a new adventure for him. It does not matter if he finds a big gray cat, if he is making a carni