[Video 9.3] 9.5 Listening and Vocabulary,
Exercise 7
J = James N = Neal A = Affie
J: Okay, I was eating in a restaurant the other day with
my girlfriend and a friend and we were talking about
how a particular food and restaurant reviewer in a very
prominent newspaper, we hate her writing and how it’s
just all about what her and her friends do during the
meal and nothing to do with the food, and as I was
completely slating this food critic’s writer, she walked
in and took a seat next to us.
N: So about two weeks ago I was waiting in the reception
of a building to meet someone and t
...his person was
called Katherine, and they came downstairs and they
walked up to me and they said ’Hello, are you Neal?’, I
thought they said, and I said ’Yes.’, they said ’Hello, I’m
Car…’ and sort of mumbled their name, and we shook
hands and we started walking off and this person said
’Elsa’s told me a lot about you, soShow more