Combat System with ALS v4 Tutorial - #11 Unreal Engine 4 (Bow & Arrow)

**OLD AND BAD IMPLEMENTATION FOR COMBAT, YOU CAN FOLLOW IT TO LEARN ABOUT ALS BUT I DON’T RECOMMEND FOR USING IT IN YOUR GAME** Bow and arrow tutorial wit Advance locomotion system 4. - I forgot to change camera angle, You can do that by open “ALS_PlayerCameraBehavior -- AnimGraph -- Main Camera State -- Aiming -- (On the highest modify curve) set camera offset Y to 100 or as you see fit. - ALS IK is pretty hard to implement. You can add your own weapon overlay to ALS by animate “IK_hand _gun“ to hand that holding weapon, in this tutorial I point constraints it to “Hand_L“ then bake animation. Or another option is override ALS IK logic in AnimGraph. - I’ll fix batman combat next, I’m still don’t like how it looks. Bow and Arrow animation from Mixamo: Level by SuperGrid Starter pack (Free)
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