1 HOUR FAT BURNING INDOOR WALK - Burn up to 500 Calories!

FAT BURNING INDOOR WALK - This fun and sweaty indoor walking workout is going to get your heart rate up and burn lots of calories. I managed 8003 steps and also burned 564Cals in the hour. This workout is also low impact and beginner friendly. Perfect for anybody to get started from home! **Total Calories burned will vary depending on your body composition, workout intensity and also fitness level. There are 3 Circuits to complete 2 x through. 40 seconds work/20 seconds walk or rest. You don’t need any equipment for this one but feel free to add hand or ankle weights if you like! ____________________________________ Circuit 1 1️⃣Step Tap Fly 2️⃣Alt Knee Taps 3️⃣2 Reach Butt Kick 4️⃣Fast Feet 5️⃣Squat Butt Kick & Reach 6️⃣Front Kicks 7️⃣X Body Crunch Double 8️⃣Standing Oblique Twist Combo (R) Side 9️⃣Standing Oblique Twist
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