02. Core Python. Getting Started (Austin Bingham & Robert Smallshire, 2019)
01. Course Overview:
00:00:00 __ 1. Course Overview
02. Installing and Starting Python:
00:01:39 __ 1. Version Check
00:01:59 __ 2. Overview
00:03:13 __ 3. Installing Python
00:06:29 __ 4. Interactive Python
00:09:29 __ 5. Significant Whitespace
00:13:01 __ 6. Python Culture
00:14:23 __ 7. The Python Standard Library
00:18:53 __ 8. Summary
03. Scalar Types Operators and Control Flow:
00:20:39 __ 1. Overview
00:25:21 __ 2. Relational Operators
00:26:37 __ 3. Control Flow
00:28:20 __ 4. While-loops
00:31:59 __ 5. Summary
04. Introducing Strings Collections and Iteration:
00:33:18 __ 1. Overview
00:34:19 __ 2. String
00:35:54 __ 3. String Literals
00:40:38 __ 4. Bytes
00:42:22 __ 5. List
00:44:02 __ 6. Dict
00:45:13 __ 7. For-loop
00:46:07 __ 8. Putting it all Together
00:49:29 __ 9. Summary
05. Modularity:
00:52:14 __ 01. Overview
00:53:23 __ 02. Modules
00:55:15 __ 03. Functions
00:59:08 __ 04. __name__
01:02:00 __ 05. The Python Execution Model
01:03:38 __ 06. Command Line Arguments
01:06:49 __ 07. Moment of Zen
01:07:20 __ 08. Docstrings
01:08:41 __ 09. Comments
01:09:17 __ 10. Shebang
01:11:01 __ 11. Summary
06. Objects and Types:
01:13:36 __ 1. Overview
01:19:29 __ 2. Passing Arguments and Returning Values
01:22:24 __ 3. Function Arguments
01:26:47 __ 4. Pythons Type System
01:27:48 __ 5. Scopes
01:31:26 __ 6. Moment of Zen
01:31:51 __ 7. Everything is an Object
01:33:07 __ 8. Summary
07. Built-in Collections:
01:35:51 __ 1. Overview
01:36:32 __ 2. Tuples
01:39:43 __ 3. Strings
01:46:36 __ 4. Ranges
01:49:00 __ 5. Lists
01:57:27 __ 6. Dictionaries
02:02:38 __ 7. Sets
02:07:03 __ 8. Protocols
02:08:33 __ 9. Summary
08. Exceptions:
02:11:18 __ 01. Overview
02:13:39 __ 02. Exceptions and Control Flow
02:14:53 __ 03. Handling Exceptions
02:16:57 __ 04. Exceptions and Programmer Errors
02:19:08 __ 05. Re-raising Exceptions
02:20:24 __ 06. Exceptions Are Part of the API
02:23:43 __ 07. Exceptions and Protocols
02:25:20 __ 08. Avoid Explicit Type Checks
02:26:19 __ 09. Its Easier to Ask Forgiveness Than Permission
02:29:11 __ 10. Cleanup Actions
02:30:53 __ 11. Platform-Specific Code
02:33:17 __ 12. Summary
09. Iteration and Iterables:
02:35:43 __ 01. Overview
02:37:14 __ 02. List and Set Comprehensions
02:39:40 __ 03. DIctionary Comprehensions
02:41:25 __ 04. Filtering Comprehensions
02:42:27 __ 05. Moment of Zen
02:43:07 __ 06. Iteration Protocols
02:45:48 __ 07. Generator Functions
02:48:59 __ 08. Maintaining State in Generators
02:51:16 __ 09. Laziness and the Infinite
02:52:44 __ 10. Generator Expressions
02:55:01 __ 11. Iteration Tools
02:58:49 __ 12. Summary
10. Classes:
03:00:42 __ 01. Overview
03:02:02 __ 02. Classes
03:03:02 __ 03. Defining Classes
03:04:45 __ 04. Instance Methods
03:05:49 __ 05. Instance Initializers
03:10:57 __ 06. A Second Class
03:13:01 __ 07. Collaborating Classes
03:14:14 __ 08. Moment of Zen
03:14:41 __ 09. Booking Seats
03:20:35 __ 10. Methods for Implementation Details
03:23:33 __ 11. Object-Oriented Design with Function Objects
03:26:34 __ 12. Polymorphism and Duck Typing
03:30:06 __ 13. Inheritance and Implementation Sharing
03:33:42 __ 14. Summary
11. File IO and Resource Managements:
03:37:27 __ 01. Overview
03:38:43 __ 02. Opening Files
03:40:34 __ 03. Writing Text
03:43:08 __ 04. Reading Text
03:45:42 __ 05. Appending Text
03:46:35 __ 06. Iterating over Files
03:47:47 __ 07. Closing Files with Finally
03:49:52 __ 08. With-blocks
03:51:05 __ 09. Moment of Zen
03:51:35 __ 10. Binary Files
03:56:41 __ 11. Bitwise Operators
03:57:30 __ 12. Pixel Data
03:58:46 __ 13. Reading Binary Data
04:00:06 __ 14. File-like Objects
04:02:43 __ 15. Context Managers
04:04:05 __ 16. Summary