20 Years as a Cyborg Supersoldier on Mars & Kuiper Belt

Rebecca Rose claims to have served for 20 years as a cyborg supersoldier first on Mars and later in the outer reaches of our solar system, where she was based on a Kuiper Belt facility run by Draco Reptilians. While Germans associated with the Dark Fleet often visited the Draco run facility, Rebecca says the Germans were little more than minor players in space events occurring in the Kuiper Belt and beyond that were being controlled by the Dracos. Rebecca shared a number of official documents showing her father’s service with both the US Army and Navy, and also in a corporate run classified aerospace program. She believes his involvement in classified aerospace programs was a major factor in her identification and recruitment into a 20 and back service from 1982 to 2002. Rebecca says she was first taken to the Moon by Grays as a four year old where she was subjected to many egregious experiments as part of her ’training’, which including repeated use of jumpgates between the Moon
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