wohooo, I finished it uuup~~
FIRST OF ALL - THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I have 4000 Subs now, I still can’t believe it my gosh o_o I mean.. when I started it I was freaking happy when I had more than 300, when I think about it.. now is so much!! I’m rlly grateful, and happy and hope u still have fun with my uploads! I always want to have fun editing and do my best. My editing style and coloring is not the likes of all of you maybe, but I like this fast darkish style ahahah xD Sometimes I wish I could edit a bit slower.. but it never looks as I wanna and looks kinda boring or stupid.. I’m confident in my fast edits here ehehe xP but ofc makes me happy when u like it as well! SO ARIGATO GOZAIMASU!!~
Tbh I started working on it recently and din’t took me that long.. just cuz duo work, with my dog and personal stuff I just have less time to edit x’D I wanted to edit with DC for a long while now, it’s one of the special Anime for me. I watched it as a kid ofc in my language, in german, now I’m ore in favor to watch Anime in Japanese and english subtitles ahahah XDD I hate german Dub now, but with DC is still fine cuz is my memory as a child ofc *-*
So yeah, finally I had episodes wohoo!! I was always a ShinRan shipper ehehe~~ So I wanted to do smth with action but involved with drama cuz Ran is missing Shinichi, even tho he is always beside her as Conan.. and when she is thinking like he is exactly the same (what is ofc true but she don’t know and yeeah.. drama stuff ahah xD)
well in my opinion is gragging everything too long that she doesn’t know it and so but well, is ofc for the Manga and Anime sake ahah x’D
Btw this is my favorite song of this Band.. So I had to edit with it!! I had fun making it ^w^ I just love RAW edits, wohoo~~
I hope you like it too!!
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