Resist Francis until it hurts

Francis is trying to destroy Catholicism [especially through church closures, Traditionis custodes, the Synod on Synodality]. As St Therese of Calcutta said “give until it hurts“, so now we should “resist until it hurts“. Every sacrifice will be worth it! For all the talks given at the 2022 Catholic Identity Conference, visit: 📚 Details of Fr Mawdsley’s NEW OLD book series may be found here: 🔴 Adam’s Deep Sleep: The Passion of Jesus Christ Prefigured in the Old Testament (1 July 2022) 🔴 Crushing satan’s head: The Victory of the Virgin Mary Foretold in the Old Testmanet (8 Dec 2022 - ebooks available for pre-order now) 🔴 Crucifixion to Creation: Roots of the Traditional Liturgy Traced back to Paradise (25 March 2023 - ebooks available for pre-order now)
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