Giant Food! Fried Rice , Ramen , Chicken and Curry デカ盛り チャーハン ラーメン カレーライス Japanese Street Food 町中華

Giant Food! Daishintei is located in Nishi-Hachioji, Tokyo. Even if you ask normally, the amount is large! ! Curry that takes a long time to make in the morning,Giant mapo bowl, There are many delicious menus! It’s full of customers who come from the area and far away! ! Please enjoy watching the video! ! ※This video was shot with the permission of the shop owner and customers. - Price - mapo rice bowl : JPY800() Fried Rice : JPY670() - Map - (Tokyo ,Japan) 大進亭   東京は西八王子にある大進亭。 普通に頼んでも量が多いです!! 朝から長時間をかけて作るカレ&
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