Awaken Consciousness Out of the Body: Astral Projection Practice with The Mantra Faraon for One Hour

When our physical body is asleep, most people wander within the internal worlds with their consciousness also asleep... They dream. While in the internal worlds, the souls whose consciousness is asleep are unaware they are dreaming, and they occupy themselves in the same daily chores that they perform on Earth during the vigil state; they buy, sell, work in their office, in the shop, in the factory, in the fields, etc. To be on the path and awaken the consciousness, we must learn to preserve the lucidity of the consciousness at all times, even when the physical body is asleep. To travel within the astral body is not dangerous: it is simply to be conscious while out of the physical body. “True illuminates do not dream. Dreams are for those who are asleep. True illuminates live in the higher worlds, out of the physical body, in a state of intensified wakefulness without ever dreaming.” - Samael Aun Weor, Dream Yoga “In Egypt, Master Jesus learned h
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