May 4, 2023: Serious Eruption at Fuego Volcano in Guatemala

07:30 May 4, 2023: The volcanic surveillance network and reports of observers in the field of INSIVUMEH, confirm a progressive increase in the volcanic activity of the Volcano of Fuego from 2:00 am today. So far, a new eruptive stage of predominantly effusive characteristics has been observed, which is expressed through the formation of a lava flow in the direction of the Ash ravine. This produces constant avalanches, incandescence over the crater and constant sounds are reported that accompany the column of gas and ash that so far is dispersed in a southwest direction. This activity is expected to increase in the next few minutes to hours, forming higher gas and ash columns, violent explosions loaded with ash, lava flows in other directions and pyroclastic flows to the Ceniza and Las Lajas ravines, which can travel distances between 5 and 7 kilometers. It is not ruled out that these flows also descend by any other canyon, so you should not remain near or inside the canyons of the volcano. Live stream
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