Desain Rumah 3x4 Meter | Mungil Tapi Tetap Nyaman Dan Elegan

#desainrumah #rumah36 #Tinyhouse Hallo semuanya, Hari ini Kami Hadir dengan desain Rumah Berukuran 3x4 Meter 1 lantai tapi di dalamnya terdapat 2 lantai dengan Estimasi biaya bangun rumah matrial tanpa lahan berkisar 50 -70 jutaan, Dengan Fasilitas : TERAS DAPUR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone, Today we are here with a 3x4 meter 1 floor house design but inside there are 2 floors with the estimated cost of building a house landless material ranging from 50 -70 million, with the facilities: TERRACE LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM KITCHEN BEDROOM BATHROOM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Denahnya di sini :
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