Safety Dance MashUp scene films dance

#Mashup #films #synchro #dance #Hit #80 #hitdance #canada Safety Dance the best hit in the world 1982 and scene great dancer films. Recently on YouTube, you will be able to see and listen to DJ sets, charts, curiosities that accompany vinyl and the vintage world, and every now and then we relax by creating this type of video that I hope you like them. One of the best records or better, 1982 mix record A hit arrived composed by a Canadian musical group “Men Without Hats“, the second one from the first studio album Rhythm of Youth. Big hit in the world. Curiosity: The text was composed by Ivan Doroschuk, who was inspired by him when he was kicked out of a nightclub for pogoing. Follow us by leaving a like if you liked it and a comment will be appreciated. Video edit By “The Club Music“ Movie #Michael - #500 Day of Summer #Honey #Hitc , Lezioni di Ballo #7 Spose per sette fratelli #Another Cinderella Story #Step Up
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