Turkish Coffee Grinder Comparison - Kinu - Sozen - Comandante

I’ve tried to make 3 identical cups of Turkish Coffee to see what coffee grinder is better for this task. The setup is: - 120 ml Turkish coffee pot, - 8g of coffee (Roasted for Espresso like 5 days ago. Natural Processed Ethiopia Guji, Q-score 85) Kinu M47 Phoenix (standard burr) 18 seconds to grind 8g Right away - very balanced cup, easy to drink, clean. Flavor: raspberry. Medium-low acidity, pleasant. High sweetness, mellow, round. Apricot when cooled down. Sozen 1:30 to grind 8g Very pronounced cup. High intensity and complexity. Most visible flavors: Grapefruit, raspberry. Quite unbalanced. Comandante c40 44 seconds to grind 8g First attempt - overextracted for some reason. Foam color was OK. Second brewing - good cup, very pleasant and almost perfectly balanced. A little bit heavier than Kinu, but also great. Lid for Kinu M47 - This is a Turkish coffee pot
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