7 Bodybuilding Legends Who Died Too Young
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The past few years have been rough for the bodybuilding and fitness community with the loss of many great individuals. Man, woman, old, young… death is no respecter of persons. It’s deniable that using powerful drugs on a regular basis appears to be needed to be a world-class bodybuilder. While steroids are very common and open to debate to be harmful for the body, some other drugs like insulin, HGH and Diuretics cause more serious issues like muscular corpse, organ failure, Cardiovascular disease and even death
...for bodybuilders. Steroids use in bodybuilding has raised increasing concerns, especially due to frequent deaths in the bodybuilding community due to heart attacks. Many gurus and professional bodybuilders have been raising their voices about these deaths along with asking for regular health checks from bodybuilders. Bodybuilding is only safe if your goal is to achieve a fit body without any intention of steroidShow more