Wind of East - Don’t Fall | Ветер Востока - Не падай

“Don’t Fall“ is one of the first songs of the “Wind of East“. It was written for the first album, released in 1988 year. Music and lyrics by Andrey Kosygin. You can see him in the back of scene. Lead vocal - Ekaterina Filimonova. Along with all of the team members: Tatyana Kosygina, the frontman’s wife and one of the first participants of the group, vocal group “Elegy“ under the direction of Svetlana Ternovskaya, singers Darya Rudkovskaya, Semyon Dorduk, Anna Kurilchik. And Anna and Vladimir Kosygin (brother and sister). Special attention should be paid to the first two band members - Vyacheslav Kuznetsov (bass-guitar) and Igor Dedyk (guitar). And of course - to our self-perpetuating drumer Yevgeny Filimonov. Music, lyrics and video by The Wind of East (C)
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