New School Equipment (1959)

Unissued / Unused material. New school equipment. Lagymanyos, Czechoslovakia. LS children climbing ropes. MS children playing in sandpit. Various shots of schoolbooks being printed. CU finished books. MS schoolbooks being wheeled on trolleys. MS man fitting together new type of microscope. MS man fitting electrical equipment together. CU map globes. Various types of flowers on stands. CU stuffed rabbit. MS stuffed birds, a man and woman put finishing touches to stuffed rabbits in foreground. MS skeletons, a woman brings another skeleton into picture. CU’s little pictures being placed onto iron sheet blackboard with the help of a magnet. MS woman putting pictures on iron blackboard. CU woman taking book from shelf and handing it to little girl. MS little boy being helped on with his school satchel. MS woman and two boys sitting around dinner table. CU boy eating with satchel on his back. Various shots of school furniture being taken off lorry and into school. MS new school of Lagymanyos wit
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