Homemade Chocolate Gelato without Ice Cream Maker | No Condensed Milk, No Cream, No Churn (SO EASY)

How to make Chocolate Ice Cream | Chocolate GELATO Recipe| No Churn, No Eggs, No Cream, No Condensed Milk, No bananas (EASIEST WAY) | Dairy-free & Vegan Ice Cream This week, I am thrilled to share my absolute favorite chocolate gelato recipe. It is extremely easy to make without an ice cream machine with you. It can be vegan and dairy-free and the result will always be a success. I like to call it a fudgy chocolate gelato due to its intense and creamy chocolate flavor. RECIPE: 650 ml milk (regular or plant-based milk) (2 cups 3/4 cup) 180 g sugar (3/4 cup) 90 g cocoa powder (3/4 cup 3 tbsp) 300 g dark chocolate (10 oz) a pinch of salt (optional)
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