Last winter we travelled a lot in search of good snow and events, which made it more and more difficult to combine studying and skiing. But every time we were back in and around Disentis, our home Resort, we had the best days of the season. With every day at home we discovered new slopes and mountains, which we put on our to-ski list.
That’s why we decided to stay at home in the Grisons mountains this season and rediscover our home resort Disentis. Because even in an area that you seem to know inside out, there are Always new mountains and slopes waiting to be discovered. It is also a great advantage to be able to observe the snow conditions and snow cover build-up throughout the season.
So you know exactly where a little bit of powder might still be hidden, even a week after the last snowfall. The film shows what new lines we found outside the standard routes. Since we were surprised by Covid-19 as well, these are just a foretaste of what you can find in the home resort if you dare to leave your standard run