Just four days ago, Erdogan stood before the world at the UNGA and delivered a warning: the Middle East needs an alliance of hum

Just four days ago, Erdogan stood before the world at the UNGA and delivered a warning: the Middle East needs an alliance of humanity, like the one forged 70 years ago against Hitler. He wasn’t mincing words then, and in the light of Israel assassinating Nasrallah, his call is even more urgent today. Israel has crossed a dangerous line, setting a precedent that will erupt the entire region, and the consequences will be catastrophic, not just for Israel, but for the entire West’s grip on the Middle East. This assassination is a suicidal move, hubris that ignores the lessons of history. Just like the British in the Mandate era, or the Americans in Vietnam, Israel, propped up by Western impunity, is stumbling towards a fate of its own making. Erdogan’s call is a rallying cry against the West’s backing of genocidal puppets, a plea to stand up before the entire region burns. And you can bet the Global Majority is watching this madness, seeing the empire implode from its own excesses. Tu... Source: Lord Of War
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