Winners of ONEUS(원어스) ’Valkyrie(발키리)’ Choreography Cover Contest

Winners of ONEUS(원어스) ’Valkyrie(발키리)’ Choreography Cover Contest Check out the results of ONEUS(원어스)’s ’Valkyrie(발키리)’ 1theK Dance Cover Contest. We appreciate all of you for sharing us the greatest video! Giving a big hand to every single participant’s efforts and support. [개인] [1위] Yassy (호주): [2위] Kwong Ching (홍콩): [3위] Clorista Kwrkys (미국): [단체] [1위] TAKE ON CREW (러시아): [2위] Jeremy (인도네시아): [3위] EXODUS (아르헨티나):
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