Automotive interior vacuuming

Enhancing Automotive Manufacturing: Collaborative Robots for Car Body Vacuuming The automotive sector has embraced collaborative robots (cobots) as a solution to enhance efficiency and precision in various manufacturing processes. One such application is the use of cobots for vacuuming the inside of car bodies, a critical step in ensuring cleanliness and quality in vehicle production. The application program for vacuuming the inside of a car body involves the integration of cobots equipped with specialized vacuuming tools into the production line. These cobots are programmed to navigate through the interior of the car body, reaching tight spaces and removing dust, debris, and other contaminants effectively. WHY DUCO?#GCR14 Increased Efficiency: Collaborative robots can work alongside human workers, accelerating the vacuuming process and reducing cycle times. Improved Safety: Cobots are designed with built-in safety features, such as sensors and collision detection, ensuring safe
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