Tangled- When Will My Life Begin Instrumental (Reprise)

Hi guys, i wanted to do this dub but i couldnt find any good instrumentals so i decided to make one of my own and share it with you guys. Sorry the beginning is a little of but after the “should i? No, here i go“ its in perfect alignment. Enjoy! Look at the world so close and im halfway to it Look at it all so big do i even dare Look at me here at last i just have to do it “Should i? NO! Here i go“ Just smell the grass the dirt Just like i dreamed they’d be Just feel that summer breeze The way its calling me For like the first time ever im completely free I could go.... Running and racing and dancing and chasing and leaping and bounding hair flying, heart pounding and splashing and reeling and finally feeling NOW’S WHEN MY LIFE BEGINS!
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