Trying Japan’s Capsule Sleeper Night Bus from Osaka to Tokyo | REBORN

Today, we are riding on overnight bus, Reborn, which has capsule-like seats from Osaka to Tokyo for 10 hours. Is it the next-generation overnight bus? Just relax and enjoy the video. Next Video to Watch: 🔴Like a Roller Coaster! Riding Japan’s Scary Upside-Down Train | Shonan Monorail 🔴Trying Spaceship-like Capsule Hotel in Tokyo Japan | Nine Hours Otemachi 🔴Crazy! I Used a SLEEP POD inside a Station in Tokyo Japan * I use Google Translate to translate English subtitles to multiple languages. So please know that there might be some errors or miswordings in those languages. * Please understand that information on the video may not be 100% correct. 📹 Recommended items I use in my video: DJI Pocket 2(My main camera!): NEW ERA CARRIER PACK 35L(Backpack): Anker Mobile
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