Secret Space Program? | Solar Warden & Black Budget - Just Myths?

Secret Space Program? | Solar Warden & Black Budget -Just Myths? Source: The secrets of free energy, the secret space program, or the true nature of the cosmos, the governments of the world and the “hidden masters” of the New World Order are at this point the most discussed topic in the online environment and vehemently denied by the American government. As we all know, the media still in the hands of the global evil elite, do not “sweat” any words about the existing technologies it owns that could pull mankind away from the crisis, but also from the fossil fuel age and the provision of free energy to mankind, thus making an enormous leap in the evolution of civilization. Black Budget began to come to light after October / November 2012 and rely primarily on the personal testimony of an “insider” named Daniel, who claims to have been part of the Montauk Project, which later turned into Phoenix I, II and III. These Black Budget projects are carefull
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