Classical Chinese Dance: Detached Dream in Detracted Life | 河南卫视2023元宵奇妙游——舞蹈《人间清梦》| CNODDT

Composer: Zhang Qu Choreographer: Hu Yang Dancer: Hu Yang Through CNODDT principal dancer Hu Yang’s solo dance, the mood of the ancient painter Ni Zan during his late years is presented vividly. He is just like a crane dancing in the hills and waters. 江照夕阳,情寄山水,文人风骨,淡泊雅致。中国歌剧舞剧院舞蹈演员 #胡阳 以独舞《人间清梦》将倪瓒晚年的心境展现得淋漓尽致。 Video provided by All-media Marketing Planning Center, Henan Radio and Television Station Follow us! Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Dancing China YouTu
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