Yves Tumor - Heaven Surrounds Us Like a Hood (Official Video)
Yves Tumor - Heaven Surrounds Us Like a Hood (Official Video)
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Starring Live Band:
Chris Greatti, @chrisgreatti
Topaz Faerie, @topaz_faerie
Rhys Hastings, @rhys__hastings
Yves Rothman, @yvesrothman
Director: Cody Critcheloe, @cody_critcheloe
Producer: Megan Mantia, @monamantia
DP: Alex Gvojic, @trend_reznor
AC: Jordon Rioux, @jkrioux
2nd AC: Bryana Gordon
Gaffer: Chris Knitter, @overlookedpro
Key Grip: James Cerven @guy_on_ig
Grip: Vic Dominguez @vic_grip_pics
Sound: Jessie Van Der Vyver, @instadontgiveacrap
Production Designer: Cody Critcheloe, @cody_critcheloe
Art Director: Zach Van Benthusen, @zachary_vanbenthusen
Set Dressers: Liv Gallo @livga11o, Oz Overshiner @ozershiner, Bella Grace Cordero @isabellacorderas, Zak Gorsuch @zakgorsuch
Painters: Rose Palmer @rose_nicole897 & Evan Maddox @kisspunch
Fabricator: Corey Goering @mistergoering
Lead Makeup: Sanay Alexander @sanayalexander
Make Up Assistant: Nichole Hobbs @r3v3r13_artistry
Hair Stylist: Shelby Loos @
Wig Artist: Fitch Lunar @fitchlunarhair
Styling & Wardrobe: Peri Rosenzweig @perirosenzweig, Nick Royal @nickroyal
Stylist Assistant: Alicia Rodriguez Aparicio @alizlajorobada
Editor: Harlan Doolittle @harlancitas
Color: Tyler Roth @
VFX: Ethan Skaates @e_____t
Audio Mix: Nicholas Weiss @nicholasweissdp
Management: Mahssa Taghinia & Mount Analog @mountanalog
Label: Warp @warppclub, @warpplabel
Janitor: Collin Fletcher @collindfletcher
Band Stills: Alec Nicholas @stacieshouse, Bella Grace Cordero @isabellacorderas
BTS: Bill Mantia, Sullivan
Location Rep: Justin Ross
Huge thanks to Sean Pickett, Toine Quinn, Nic Aldrich, Ellie
Mantia @mantiaellie, Linetta Thurman @linettathurman, Jo Kamm @kameron_jones, Rene Evert, and Zack Zakibe @zackzakibe.
A Method Media Production
I met a boy with no head
I Looked into his eyes
you know he was so pure at heart
For a moment we became each other
We found a love that made us slowly fall apart
I see the color red in so many places
this world feels so ugly when life makes a fool of us
Sweet boy
You know you look just like your mother
Wouldn’t know
Another lost soul
Sweet girl
She said I talk just like her father
Wouldn’t know
Another lost soul
Sweet boy
You know you look just like your mother
#YvesTumor #WarpRecords #HeavenSurroundsUsLikeaHood
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