[TF2] Advanced Sniper Guide

Sniper Advanced Guide | TF2 Sniper Tutorial Remember to Subscribe if you would like to see more Team Fortress 2 content __________________________________________________________________________ MY TWITCH: __________________________________________________________________________ TF2 has always been one of my favorite games since I first played it back when I was 12. I have always been shifting my mains, from medic one month to soldier in another. However, years later I believe I have found my favorite class; Sniper. In this guide I will go over advanced techniques and tips for Sniper in TF2. Sniper Tips are always useful to know, and I have seen pretty much all of the sniper guide videos on YouTube. But, I do believe I have some tips that are not as heard of in the TF2 community that I have adopted after playing different games. In order to save time in the video, I decided to not talk about some basic information, such as much of what NateFox’s basic
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