~ ॐ Maintains the Circular Motion of Everything ॐ ~

You are Called to Merge the Worlds, for the Merging is where the Soul finds the Real... You Experienced the Vast and Un-ending Depth of Both. The Real and the Un-real. Challenging you in such a way that, at times, your Soul was Split in Agony. This is Inner~stood. And Witnessed. And Recognised as Necessary. Now you will Come to Inner~stand... Now is the time... If you let your Heart be Moved, be open to the risk and the Adventure of Feelings, letting them work through to Completion, You will change... Tears turn into Smiles, Anger into Embraces. If you free your Mind to Experience and Complete each of your Life Cycles, Integrating their Teachings and Tasks, You will Change. It is when you stop moving through Life that you get caught out of place, that you react to Adult situations with Childhood emotions. Moving Completely through your Life makes you Whole. If you Awaken your Soul, You will change. Engage your Characters... Watch yourself Act them out... Master them, and you’re Free to Be, Feel, Think and Act as your Distinct Authentic Self. The Spirit in Motion Heals... Expands... Circles in and out of the Body, moving through the layers of Consciousness from Inertia to Ecstasy. Stay Open to Spirit and you will be Transformed. Being Connected to our Essence is like being connected to the emptiness of the Bodhicitta, the Awakened Heart, which knows no Separation. The Heart is the Portal to the Higher Self and the Higher Self is Always in Service to the One, the Creator, living in the Tao ~ the flow of Universal Light and Knowledge. These type of Experiences with the Divine Always leaves me with an Incredible Beacon of Sentience and Interconnectivity with All Living things. It infuses an Unmistakable Shining Light through me with a Reminder that ALL Be~ings are Worthy of Love and Compassion. A message that the Strength of True Compassion is enough to shatter the old world that we all long to let go of ~ whilst Unleashing the Light of the Earth to Birth a New One ~ a New World based on Unconditional Love and Compassion for All. The Message has Come to us in many forms over the eons, Encoded, in the Space between the Spaces, as a story free from dogma and pushed agendas to be Touched only by the Soul. It carries with it an Untainted Innocence Waiting to be Realised and Reborn. The Message Awaits within the Heart of each of us, dormant until stirred, like a hibernating Seed, unaware, yet ever Yearning for the Moment to be set Free. The Simple Message is an Important (or dare I say Crucial) Key to our Evolution… ~ ॐ💜ॐ ~ ~ ॐ💜ॐ ~ ~ earphones necessary for this energy transmission ~
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