ЭТО ПРОИЗОШЛО В СТАРШЕЙ ШКОЛЕ // Пилотная серия - YouTube

XO - is a small team of guys who dream of making films that hundreds of thousands, millions of people will be waiting for and watching. Something supernatural in high school is not just a project, it is the first, most conscious step towards this dream. How the fate of this series will develop depends only on you, our beloved viewer. MOST IMPORTANT REQUEST TO YOU - watch this video to the end and like it! This is what will help the promotion of this video the most. We did our best! Hope you’ll love it! ♥️ Plot. On a beautiful day at Collider High, the school’s mascot goes missing and four students come under suspicion. Why exactly them? The principal of the school discovered a strange recording from CCTV cameras, which shows how the guys bury this talisman in a mystical forest. But the strangest thing in all this is that the guys returned from the forest already different. It looks like they have super powers now... CAST: Stacy - Bad Barbie -
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